• +966 053 561 0400, +966 055 373 1700
  • clinic@eyeworldsa.com
  • Tahlia Street Artawiyah, Sulaymaniyah, Riyadh 12243



Our Vision

With the determination to give patients not only the best available medical care in vision correction, but also first-class services that give a sense of five-star hotels so that individuals’ needs are exceptionally catered for. Eye World Clinic was established as eye surgery center devoted to the correction of sight problems.

Eye World Clinic will continue to establish itself as a leading performer in the treatments we provide, distribution and execution of all the services we deliver to the highest standards possible. Our ongoing quality improvement and global benchmarking of excellence, in terms of sustained growth, is characterized by hiring the best qualified ophthalmic team that is equipped with latest available technology with values of integrity and entrepreneurial team spirit.

Most importantly, Eye World Clinic aim to always put patient safety at the utmost priority and ensure that our care is individualized to every patient’s needs.

Connect with us

Call us :

53 561 0400

55 373 1700

work hours

Saturday - Thursday:

2:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Friday closed
