• +966 053 561 0400, +966 055 373 1700
  • clinic@eyeworldsa.com
  • Tahlia Street Artawiyah, Sulaymaniyah, Riyadh 12243

Children Eye

Children's Eye Unit

This unit specializes in pediatric eye care, including diagnosis and treatment of vision problems in children, strabismus, and providing preventive care to ensure the development of correct vision from an early age.

We provide specialized eye care and strabismus correction services for children using the latest medical technology and personalized treatments. Our qualified and specialized team is committed to providing comprehensive and personalized care to ensure the health and comfort of your children's eyes. We are here to contribute to their healthy eyesight and achieve clear and healthy visionĀ forĀ them.

Connect with us

Call us :

53 561 0400

55 373 1700

work hours

Saturday - Thursday:

2:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Friday closed
